Children’s Worship Time

Children ages 3 through 1st Grade will be dismissed after the Lord’s Supper and the offering for Children’s Church. Parents will need to pick up their children in the gym after service has concluded.
Nursery in Room 104 is available through service for parents and children under the age of 9 months.  This nursery is not staffed, parents please plan to remain with your baby.
Cradle Roll – 9 months thru 35 months – Room 108 (This room is staffed with our wonderful volunteers)
Preschool – age 3 through 1st grade – Room 205 (Children’s Church is run by our Children’s Ministry director, Carmen Bertrand and a rotation of volunteers).
We also provide a sensory room for those that may need a space that allows for sensory specific needs to be met.  A parent must accompany children into the sensory room. The room is equipped for audio and visual capabilities for you to continue to enjoy the worship service.